In Afghanistan, the northen province of Balkh is pointed out as an example of success in eradicating the opium poppies. In this land, that is located between Tajikistan and Uzbekistan, almost 30.000 acres of land were full of opium poppies till 2 years ago. Then the decision to eradicate, and now, after 2 years, the province have been declared “poppies free” along with other 12. But this is not all the truth. How this result have been accomplished? The answer is really simple. Most farmers have simply switched crop, passing from the poppies to cannabis plants. Balkh province includes the city of Mazar-i-Sharif, famous in the past for the production of marijuana and hashish of the highest quality. many farmers that now grow cannabis, they say that is a going back to the traditions of their fathers and grandfathers, that decades ago grew the cannabis plant in these same places.

Can Marijuana Improve the Quality of Your Relationship?
Can Marijuana Improve the Quality of Your Relationship? Marijuana has long been associated with relaxation, social bonding, and even heightened sensory experiences. But can it