Jacqui Smith, Home Secretary of the government of Gordon Brown, has announced that she wants to reserve the the choice of his predecessor to downgrade the prducts derived from Cannabis from class C back to class B. In this way every offender risk up to 14 years of jail. Ms Smith said: “Though statistics show that cannabis use has fallen significantly, there is a real public concern about the potential mental health effects of cannabis use.” Question: what are the scientific evidence of these potential mental health effects? Which data about consumers, increment or decrement of the use etc have been used and why aren’t they released to the public? You know the answer. And if you live in UK,you know what to do.
Cannabis Ruderalis the origin of the autoflowering strains
In the world of cannabis cultivation, one species has quietly revolutionized the industry. This species is Cannabis Ruderalis. Originating from Central Asia and Eastern Europe,