It seems that Marc Emery, Vancouver’s Prince of Pot, has agreed to a five-year prison term in a plea bargain over U.S. marijuana seed-selling charges and money laundering. Emery has faced the prospective of a long (life) enprisonement, and now it seems that he close a deal with with US authorities to spend 5 years in a Canadian jail. Many Canadian have seen this decision as a matter of indipendence for Canada as country. Emery haven’t even been in USA, and Canadian laws aren’t so strict about cannabis seeds.Before being arrested under request of the USA, Emery was just once fine 2.000$. His tax declaration stated “marijuana seeds vendor”. We have read a beautiful reflection about this case, written by a canadian, have a read here
Cannabis Ruderalis the origin of the autoflowering strains
In the world of cannabis cultivation, one species has quietly revolutionized the industry. This species is Cannabis Ruderalis. Originating from Central Asia and Eastern Europe,