In a few days, next july 1st, the dutch law will be aligned to European Union regulation about tobacco.
This mean end of the smoking in bars, clubs, restaurants and every other place opened to the public,even the traditional dutch “eetcafè” that are tipycal dutch bar when you can also eat a bread or a salad.
Many people have written to us to ask what will it happen to the coffeshops, if the new ban will apply to coffeshops too. In short: no. In practical it will mean a drastical change of the habits of many people.
The joint will be allowed, yes. But only pure. The purpose of the ban is to protect the workers from the conseguences of the passive tobacco smoke. And that’s it.
Ab Klink, health minister, that mixing tobacco with soft drugs in coffee shops (where cannabis products can be bought over the counter) will not be permitted from July 1. Staff in these coffee shops have the same right as workers in other cafes to a tobacco-free working environment, said Klink.