Category: Cannabis and Sex

Does Marijuana Lower Testosterone?

Does Marijuana Lower Testosterone? marijuana and testosterone

Marijuana, known scientifically as Cannabis sativa, has been used for thousands of years for its psychoactive effects, medicinal properties, and as a recreational drug. As the debate surrounding its legality and medicinal uses intensifies across the globe, scientific scrutiny has also surged to understand its full range of effects on the human body. Among the […]

Sexual Frigidity: The Herb Could be the Solution

Sexual Frigidity: The Herb Could be the Solution

Sexual problems not only occur in men but also in women. Frigidity is common sexual dysfunction in which females lose their interest in sex due to several reasons that often involve physical and psychological factors. A traumatic experience in the past, such as sexual abuse during childhood, can quickly develop reluctance and fear of lovemaking. […]

Is Smoking Cannabis Good for Erectile Dysfunction?

Is Smoking Cannabis Good for Erectile Dysfunction?

Erectile dysfunction or ED is a condition that affects millions of males with the inability to have and maintain an erection. It is a common condition that can lead to a variety of problems, including relationship issues and stress. It is known that smoking cigarettes is one of the causes of ED, but as marijuana […]

10 Reasons Cannabis Improves Your Sex Life

10 Reasons Cannabis Improves Your Sex Life

“Everything is better when you are high”. Food tastes better when you’re high. The sun is better when you’re high. And even “friends” seem to be more fun after a joint… But what about sex? Modern cannabis use occurs for a variety of reasons, some medical, some recreational, but it has a long history intertwined […]

Five Reasons Why Sex Is Better On Weed

Five Reasons Why Sex Is Better On Weed

For millennia, marijuana has been used as an aphrodisiac. There are even claims that this particular herb can help make sex so phenomenal. Note though that when it comes to combining sex and cannabis, a little is more than enough. Marijuana can help put you in the mood, but too much of it can give […]

Does Cannabis Edibles Improve Female Orgasms?

Does Cannabis Edibles Improve Female Orgasms?

Marijuana companies are catering to a new group of consumers – women. These cannabis companies have come up with edibles and lube that promise to improve the female orgasm. Do they work? Women claim that being high during sexual intercourse makes the contact result in more intense orgasm. However, being high doesn’t mean you have […]

Does Smoking Marijuana Reduce the Body’s Testosterone Production?

Does Smoking Marijuana Reduce the Body’s Testosterone Production?

Popular wisdom tells men that testosterone and cannabis do not mix well. You may have already heard about claims that smoking pot can lower testosterone levels. However, with all the information you can get online, it is easy to get confused about whether or not it affects the hormone. Where and When It All Began […]

Effects of Cannabis in Female Orgasm

Effects of Cannabis in Female Orgasm

When Viagra was introduced in the 1990s, there were actually some women who hoped that a feminine version of the product would come out soon enough. There were different experiments and tests but even until today, women are still waiting for some kind of a pill that would enhance their sexual experience. While there seem […]

Does Cannabis Lube Improve Sex?

Does Cannabis Lube Improve Sex?

You may have heard of cannabis lube hitting the market while offering promises to provide the best orgasms and sexual experiences of your life. Marijuana users commonly know that the use of marijuana combined with sex definitely enhances the experience. Now, there is a complete line of cannabis products to include lube which is often […]