For millennia, marijuana has been used as an aphrodisiac. There are even claims that this particular herb can help make sex so phenomenal. Note though that when it comes to combining sex and cannabis, a little is more than enough. Marijuana can help put you in the mood, but too much of it can give […]
Category: Cannabis Lifestyle
Ten Famous Sportsmen That Smoke Cannabis
A sportsperson who is also a cannabis advocate can face a lot of challenges because support for marijuana can lead to reduced sponsorships and breaching contract values. While other athletes started opening up about their weed use at the end of their sports careers, some got busted. Here are ten people that are renowned in […]
Skateboarding and Weed: A Way of Life
If there is one thing most people know about the skateboarding industry, it is that weed is a part of it. Just by looking at the gear in this sport, you can quickly conclude that it is full of pot enthusiasts. Aside from the accessories and the skateboards, the pros themselves directly exhibit their use […]
Does Marijuana Ease Menopause Symptoms?
Menopause is an unavoidable phenomenon for every woman. It can bring a lot of suffering for those who are going through the phase where irritability and heat flashes are just some of the most common symptoms. Even though menopause cannot be evaded or prevented, the symptoms can be alleviated – at least according to some […]
Marijuana in the Rave Culture of the 90’s
The rave culture of the 90s was not just about music and fashion – it was a revolution, an era, and a movement. It was the period of underground parties and colorful clothes. It was a time when marijuana was very much present and when almost everyone projected peace, love, unity, and respect. The rave […]
Cannabis in Australia
Cannabis is the most widely used drug that is considered illicit and prohibited in Australia. It is estimated that around 750,000 Aussies consume marijuana on a weekly basis while 300,000 citizens smoke weed every day. Australia ranks as one of the highest in the world for marijuana usage frequency. Recreational marijuana is still widely restricted […]
Does Cannabis Edibles Improve Female Orgasms?
Marijuana companies are catering to a new group of consumers – women. These cannabis companies have come up with edibles and lube that promise to improve the female orgasm. Do they work? Women claim that being high during sexual intercourse makes the contact result in more intense orgasm. However, being high doesn’t mean you have […]
Cannabis and Yoga: A Perfect Combination?
You may have heard that yoga and cannabis do not mix. However, some yogis disagree and if you are someone who enjoys weed, this may be exciting news for you. With the right techniques, you can actually use cannabis to enhance your yoga practice and experience. Stay Calm It is all about balance when you […]
Viva la mota! Marijuana in Mexico
Believe it or not, weed has always been a part of Mexico’s culture. It was so prevalent that many citizens agreed that the government created propaganda just to stop people from using it. However, it seems like there are some changes and Mexico has finally legalized marijuana use. If you know about the song La […]
Cannabis and Pregnancy
Some expecting mothers go through hell because of nausea and even thinking about food turns their stomachs. Add to that the constant worry about delivery and the subsequent diaper changes and late night feedings – all these can result in pre-baby jitters. If you are pregnant, you may be willing to try just about anything […]