Category: Cannabis Lifestyle

7 reasons why girls who smoke cannabis are the best partners

7 reasons why girls who smoke cannabis are the best partners

Weed simplifies life: all stoners know this. It sets the mellow vibe, keeps your head right, and always eliminates the bullsh*t. Like anything else, smoking weed is always better with someone you f*ck with – specifically, a girl you’re genuinely into. Here a big truth: couples who hit the bong together often have stronger relationships. […]

Top 50 most influential marijuana consumers

Top 50 most influential marijuana consumers

They are successful, rich, famous and… weed smokers! The advocacy group Marijuana Policy Project has released its annual list of the top 50 most influential Americans who have used marijuana. The people who appear on it just might surprise you. To qualify for MPP’s list, individuals must (1) be alive, (2) be a U.S. citizen, […]

Cannabis & Creativity: Does smoking make me more creative?

Cannabis & Creativity: Does smoking make me more creative?

Carl Sagan, Salvador Dali, William Shakespeare, Maya Angelou, Paul McCartney, Norman Mailer and Jack Nicholson. They can be artists from different decades and different areas, but they do have one thing in common: the close relationship with cannabis. Indeed, the list of accomplished creative people who have claimed a positive influence from their use of […]

High and skinny: can weed help you lose weight?

Looking for a funny and effective diet plan? We have good news for you! Smoking pot causes the munchies – so it must lead to weight gain, right? Not necessarily, according to a study published in The American Journal of Medicine. The research finds an intriguing connection between marijuana use and body weight, showing that […]

Will Nevada legalize weed on 2016?

Las Vegas voters could legalize weed for the state of Nevada in 2016 during the next Presidential election.     The Nevada Legislature decided to skip consideration of Initiative Petition 1, which proposes legalizing marijuana for adults 21 and over and taxing and regulating it similarly to alcohol. Their decision means the Initiative to Tax […]

Barcelona and the “Smoking Clubs”

Barcelona and the “Smoking Clubs”

Is Barcelona the new Eldorado for cannabis tourists? Since 2011 Spain has seen the opening of new kind of clubs called, Smoking clubs with a legal status of association. This new legislation has for purpose to decrease the cannabis issues by regulating them. From 2011 to 2014 the numbers of smoking clubs has considerably augmented […]