Category: History of the Cannabis

Cannabis Ruderalis the origin of the autoflowering strains

Cannabis Ruderalis the origin of the autoflowering strains cannabis ruderalis-autoflowering

In the world of cannabis cultivation, one species has quietly revolutionized the industry. This species is Cannabis Ruderalis. Originating from Central Asia and Eastern Europe, Cannabis Ruderalis is a hardy plant. It has adapted to thrive in harsh climates. But its most defining trait is its autoflowering characteristic. Unlike its cousins, Cannabis Sativa and Cannabis […]

Did George Washington Smoke Weed?

Did George Washington Smoke Weed? george washington marijuana

Did George Washington Smoke Weed? The question of whether George Washington, the first President of the United States, smoked cannabis is a provocative one that has been debated by historians and cannabis enthusiasts alike. Over the years, a combination of anecdotal evidence, Washington’s own diaries, and historical context have led to varied interpretations. To understand […]