Category: Medical Cannabis

Dutch government wants cannabis registered as medicine

Dutch government wants cannabis registered as medicine Dutch government wants cannabis registered as medicine

A few days ago, the Dutch government has announced its decision to extend the cannabis’s availability in pharmacies by five years, so more scientific research will be possible. The sale of cannabis specifically as medicine is legal and managed by the governmet since 2003. The Ministry of Health control the production and the quality through […]

The biggest bullshit about marijuana that we have ever read

The biggest bullshit about marijuana that we have ever read The biggest bullshit about marijuana that we have ever read

This morning we were surprised to read this article. The are thousands or millions of bullshits and fake myths about cannabis and marijuana nowadays. But we couldn’t imagine that a group of supposed “scientists” arrive to this conclusion, that the genes that “The genes that make you prone to illegal drug abuse are different from […]

Cannabis use: a Potential Therapy For Alzheimer’s, MS and Parkinson’s?

The opinion of many scientists is, Cannabinoids and endocannabinoids are a treasure which waits to be discovered. A beautiful article on underlines the extreme importance of the cannabinoids as therapy for deseases which we don’t have a therapy right now, and yet they involve millions of people, most of them living in the richest […]