Category: Oceania

Australian Aborigines and Cannabis Use Today

Australian Aborigines and Cannabis Use Today

Cannabis is a plant used all over the world for many centuries now. In Australia, it has many other names, including ganja, marijuana, hash, yarndi, amarda, skunk, and weed. Currently, it is still illegal to purchase, grow, or sell the plant in the country, but the penalties imposed differ depending on the specific location. Just […]

Palau: Is a truly vacation paradise of marijuana?

Palau: Is a truly vacation paradise of marijuana?

The report about World Marijuana use, published by United Nations in 2012, revealed a very curious fact about a tiny group of islands in the middle of Pacific Ocean. The rate adult cannabis consumption in Palau was 24.2% for the year 2011, the second world highest rate, right after Papua New Guinea. The findings of […]

Most of Aborigens smoke marijuana

About 60% of all aborigens smoke marijuana and most of them get stoned daily. These percentages are much higher than the ones recorded in Australia or in western countries. When they smoke,they usually inhale 7 cones (joints) a day, and this is also a lot more than what australians use. One of their leader said […]