Category: Society

French gov into the pocket of the cannabis smugglers

French government have decided to study the cannabis “problem” better, and to start in the good way they have decided to do a little calculation about the profit that a cannabis smuggler/seller can make in one year. “Although the average street dealer hardly makes the minimum wage out of selling cannabis, the middlemen get away with an […]

Stoned drivers are safe drivers

Altought it can sound weird, it really seems that stoned drivers are good ones. Several researchs have been made in the last 2 decades, and all of them seems to show that stoned drivers have little or not disability compared to “normal”, or “sober” drivers. These studies comes from the US National Highway Transportation Safety […]

Scotland: Triads turned the country into a giant cannabis greenhouse.

Scotland: Triads turned the country into a giant cannabis greenhouse. Scotland: Triads turned the country into a giant cannabis greenhouse.

One of the chief of the scottish police, has recently declared that “Organised criminals have turned Scotland into a cannabis greenhouse”.  According to his information, criminal organizations from the far east run a net of greenhouses in the whole country. These grenhouses produces marijuana for the value of 1 billion euro per year. The greenhouses […]

Swiss research Finds Marijuana Use Alone May Benefit Some Teens

A recently published Swiss study is making a lot of noise for its content, that sounds revolutionnary: “Teens that use cannabis may function better than teen tobacco-users, and appear to be more socially driven and have fewer psychosocial problems than those who do not use either substance”. This statement is contained in the final report […]