Category: Society

Megan Fox: the sexiest marijuana smoker on the planet

Megan Fox: the sexiest marijuana smoker on the planet Megan Fox: the sexiest marijuana smoker on the planet

Since long time we are using this blog only for services news, about our shop, our products, the fair that we attend etc. It wasn’t always like this, so we wanna go back to the past, starting with speaking about one of the most beautiful girls on the planet: Megan Fox. The 24 years old […]

Cannabis, the best antibiotic on the planet

Cannabis, the best antibiotic on the planet Cannabis, the best antibiotic on the planet

Our beloved, our adorable cannabis plant never stops to surprise us. An english italian study, just published,  shows that cannabinoids kill even the most resistent staphylococcus. Every year, these staphylococcus kill more than 18.000 people in the hospitals  of the whole world and they are resistent to the antibiotics. In particular, the study, started in […]