Autopilot XXL a été développé afin de transférer les caractéristiques de notre souche Big Bud XXL au sein d’une version autofloraison. Cette souche est à dominante indica, est de plus grande taille et a un délai de floraison de 60-65 jours. Autopilot XXL est facile à cultiver et fournit une récolte très généreuse. Cette plante développe généralement un gros bourgeon principal ainsi qu’un grand nombre de bourgeons sur les branches latérales. Les bourgeons sont plutôt lourds pour une souche autofloraison, l’arôme est musqué avec une touche de persil et de poivre. L’effet d’euphorie ressenti est le même que pour sa grande soeur. Il est possible de la cultiver et de la récolter en extérieur au cours de chaque période de l’année pendant laquelle le climat est tempéré, sans avoir à attendre l’automne.
Disponible en paquets de 2, 5, 10 ou 25 graines.
Genre: Autofloraison, femelle
20% Sativa 60% Indica 20% Ruderalis
Temps de croissance total: 9 semaines
Rendement: Jusqu’à 125 gr par plante d’intérieur, Jusqu’à 300 gr par plante extérieure
Goût: musqué, persil, poivre.
Effet: heureux
THC: 15%
CBD : faible
Mitchell –
they did great guys hughe juicy buds almost done 4/5 made it and I was responsible for one dying so great job ministry!
Lukas –
Bardzo silne nasiona. Kiełkują w ciągu 2 dni, sadzonki są w ciągu 2 kolejnych dni, a w ciągu 63 dni są gotowe do żniw. Wydajność jest znakomita, a odlot doskonały. O co więcej można prosić? Dobra robota MM!
Micettone –
In outdoor this plant can reach 50-60 cm. It can give you 50-60 grams of fresh flowers per plant. Easy to grow, good taste.
Mark –
I have found cheaper seeds in the UK, only 5 miles from my door.
Butttttt….. As I have never had a problem with M. o. C., and everything has grown amazingly then I will pay the extra for the quality they provide
Mitch –
I’m on my first grow with these bad boys it’s amazing how all five terminated. Using a grow tent with fabric pots happy frog soil. There two weeks old and already on there fifth set of leaves healthy as fuck! I will be buying a huge supply of these seeds there gold thanks MOC
atomic –
I’ve grown 5 of these babies, all of them germed. They needed very little nutrients- I fed them only once with flowering, yet I got 1 ounce dry of sweet nugs. Some of them even turned black or purple, which was a nice surprise. I describe the high as couch lock heavy plus a nice buzz to go with it… Very recommended for first time growers
Chema –
Autopilot XXL es una semilla muy potente. Se germina en sólo 2 días y el vástago crece en otros 2 días, 63 días más tarde que están listos para la cosecha. El rendimiento es excepcional y excelente a fumar. ¿Qué pedir más? Súper trabajo MM!
xele –
a very good weed, a strong plant with strong effect, just perfect!
Stephen –
I got these seeds sent to me and made it in the states great first grow for me hoping they turn out nice.
Mr growgood-newbie –
I have been growing some 38 years & this time I have grown indoors & Hydro for the first time, I have therefore found this plant very forgiving & low odour also. However never grown an Auto before some online growing tips would have been useful , For example no light change just grow for 20 hours a day flat out & don’t over-water. I found this plant very fast growing but weak in the stems even though I was using Rhino skin from Advanced Nutrients a stem strengthen? Overall a very forgiving plant for a newbie to Hydroponics I only used Advanced Nutrients throughout the grow & on two plants indoors returned 300GM per plant using 600 Watt HPS/MH Combo that is double what is stated & I nutrient burned & light burned the plants as well as screwed the light cycle hence stretching the plants, Overall happy imagine the yield I could have attained if I did not try & KILL IT twice LOL 🙂
Ricardo –
This marijuana is of excellent quality, the weather here in my region can modify the content? Jacobina-Bahia Brazil
Atomic –
Hardy seeds. I had about 18g/plant out this beauty in just 65 days. I wasn’t too happy with the yield but this one had more trichomes than every other auto I’ve grown so far. High is a really nice mixed head/high. Thumbs up for the autopilot all the way..
Breki –
Fácil de reconocer. Ya he cosechado más de 3 de este modelo y están buenas. Fuertes y saludables.. corto en thc
Caroline –
Autopilot XXL est une très puissante graine. Elle germe en seulement 2 jours et la tige pousse en 2 autres jours, 63 jours plus tard elles sont prêtes pour la récolte. Le rendement est exceptionnel et la défonce excellente. Que demander de plus ? Super job MM !
Dr greenthumb –
Ok I ordered six different strains from MOC this season. An it has been a very rough season I have battled everything from spider mites to not enough light. I mean everything that could have went wrong went. That being said MOC helped me out with all my problems with detail. I did half indoors an half out. The autopilot xxl stood out due to purple color she turned halfway through her cycle. With an ending result of 38 grams of great smoke Despite all the problems I was impressed!! MOC is great my third year doing business with them an looking forward to a fourth thks MOC!!!!
Anthadeus –
Hey i ordered 5 seed 3 off the grew over 3 1/2 feet using coco highly recommended
I think the growing time is a bit longer than described but this plant has surprised me so much. First grow i have and its flowering into huge buds, super fat and sticky. cant recommend so much
Robert –
I am very pleased to enjoy your products! Autopilot was about 290 gm for two plants! Both filled 2×4 ft tent easily! No room for anyone else
rasta –
Estoi cocechando las semis las 5 me germinaron mui bien tienen un mes imedio y aun crecen con cada riego pinta mui bien
Heiko –
Schnelle lieferung! Alle 5 geplatzt weiter so MOC
Juliette –
Une machine à bourgeons ! Facile à cultiver et super généreuse, l’arôme musqué avec cette touche de poivre est juste parfait
Spidorbadarse –
This is the first auto I haven grown, and love it. Does very well with a CFL grow, and the high is great. This plant is very forgiving, and great for first time growers. I’m on my 2nd grow with this plant and it looks 3 times better. This plant is the plant to start with.
Martim –
I think the growing time is a bit longer than described but this plant has surprised me so much. First grow i have and its flowering into huge buds, super fat and sticky. cant recommend so much
Sven –
Autopilot XXL má velice silná semena. Začínají klíčit během dvou dnů, sazenice vytváří během dalších dvou dnů a během 63 dnů je připravená na sklizeň. Výnos je skvělý a chuť excelentní. Co víc si přát? Skvělý práce, Ministry of Cannabis!
xele –
a very good weed, a strong plant with strong effect, just perfect!
Grobig –
Grew 5 of these in 3 gal pots with ocean forest soil. All 5 germed and the grow began. Veg went about 3 weeks and flower began. Plants took to nutes very well using advanced nutes. Had one seed that grew shorter than the rest but all phenos averaged about 2.5 feet in height. I pushed nutes to about 3/4 strength max and grew massive buds. Good job MOC.
armando –
Good quality seeds. Easy to grow and strong plant. I pulled 370g dried weed from 2 plants under a 600w HPS with 20/4 Light cycle. Good job MOC!
Niklas –
Autopilot XXL hat sehr starke Samen. Keimt in 2 Tagen und nach weiteren 2 Tagen waren schon Saatlinge zu sehen und 63 Tage später waren sie reif für die Ernte. Der Ertrag ist großartig und das High ist phänomenal. Mehr kann man wirklich nicht verlangen. Großartige Arbeit MM !
Pietro –
ti mette di buon umore senza stenderti, facile da coltivare, se vuoi una pianta che rende tanto, questa è la tua
Antonio –
Qualità dei semi ottima, ho fatto l’ordine il 15 Aprile e mi sono arrivati il 18, grandi come sempre!
dbf426 –
very strong seeds,easy to grow with my 90w UFO LED grow light,tasty smells !!! i got 1oz per plant.
Jeannette –
Un vrai bonheur à cultiver ! Des têtes lourdes, une récolte énorme pour une auto, et l’effet euphorique te met direct de bonne humeur. Un must pour les fans d’indica
blas –
Zeer sterke zaden, Ontkiemt in 2 dagen, kiemplant 2 dagen later en in 63 dagen klaar voor de oogst. De opbrengst is ongelooflijk en de buzz excellent. Wat wil je nog meer? Fantastisch werk MM!
Pisellone –
Raga, questa Autopilot XXL spinge forte! Le cime sono grosse come non mai per un’autofiorente, e l’effetto è bello allegro. L’ho coltivata outdoor senza problemi, cresce dappertutto!
Jethro Tull –
Very strong seeds. Germinates in 2 days, seedling in 2 more days, and in 63 days ready for harvest. Yield is outstanding and the buzz is excellent. What more can you ask for? Great job MM !